Daily Hope with Rick Warren

True Faith Is Active, Never Passive - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - January 8, 2018

True Faith Is Active, Never Passive
By Rick Warren

“When will you ever learn that ‘believing’ is useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith” (James 2:20 TLB).

Is faith simply a frame of mind? Some see it that way — a passive attribute of a Christian waiting to see what God has in store for you: a promotion, cancer, depression, betrayal, blessing, wealth, or injustice. They might say, “I’ll just wait to see what God is going to do for me and go with the flow.” But that’s foolish talk.

Faith is active. It’s not passive. It’s a commitment. Look at your lifestyle and see what kinds of actions follow as a result of it. If you’ve got a faith that’s real, it can be demonstrated.

If you’ve been baptized you made a statement to God and the people around you. You said, “I’m in!” But it doesn’t stop at baptism — not by a long shot! What else do you do? You start following the pattern of Jesus. Faith is proven by how we live. And don’t misinterpret this. Your salvation is not based on your works. The things you do — your walking-around, everyday life — won’t get you into Heaven. Your actions don’t make you a Christian; they show you’re a Christian.

Here are some next steps you can take in your faith:

·      Celebrate the lavish gift of grace. You were saved because Jesus absolutely loves you and wants you to be with him in Heaven. Celebrate that!

·      Show your faith. Wedding rings don’t make people married, but they declare it in a visible way. In the same way, baptism isn’t the thing that will get you into Heaven, but it’s an act of obedience. (Jesus commanded us to be baptized and to baptize others.)

·      Share your faith with the people around you. If you are excited about what God has done in your life, then why not share it? There are lots of ways to do that. Get plugged in to serving God. There are literally millions of possibilities. Point people to Jesus and love them like Jesus did. It’s a choice that will bring eternal joy — to you, and to the people you helped bring to Christ.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

What are some specific ways you can show your faith to others?

Consider your response to this analogy of faith: Wedding rings don’t make people married, but they declare it in a visible way.

What are some ways you can share your faith with others? What people come to mind when you think about this?

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

Find courage to transform yourself and impact the world around you!

“Because of our faith in him we dare to have boldness, courage, and confidence in coming to God with freedom and without fear.” (Ephesians 3:12 AP)

Everything God does in your life, He does by His grace and through your faith. So if you want God to work through you to influence those around you, start by developing a deeper trust in Him!

Pastor Rick Warren shows you how in his Daring Faith Study Kit. As you explore the 6 faith-building sessions in this DVD Bible study, you’ll learn how to:

• Find the courage to leave your comfort zone
• Make a lasting difference in the lives of others
• Use generosity to change your life
• And more!

The Daring Faith Study Kit is our way of thanking you for your gift today to share the hope of Christ through Daily Hope. Daring Faith will help give you the courage to transform your life and impact the world around you. So request your copy when you give today!

This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.