Daily Hope with Rick Warren

God Wants to Give You Wisdom - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - July 1, 2020

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God Wants to Give You Wisdom
By Rick Warren

“If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking. But when you ask for something, you must have faith and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like an ocean wave tossed around in a storm.” James 1:5-6 (CEV) 

Are you going through a rough time right now? You’re not alone! People all over the world are feeling the effects of the pandemic, and it’s taken a toll on our mental, physical, and emotional health. There are many uncertainties and questions about how to move on with our lives in this ongoing crisis. Everybody’s struggling.

The Bible tells us exactly what we should do when we don’t know what to do and we’re feeling the pressure to do the right thing.

“If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking. But when you ask for something, you must have faith and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like an ocean wave tossed around in a storm” (James 1:5-6 CEV).

God isn't holding back wisdom. He gives wisdom to anybody who asks for it.

Have you asked God to give you wisdom on how to handle the pandemic? Have you asked him for wisdom on what to do about your job, your future, your kids, your health, or whatever you're struggling with? God gives wisdom to anybody who asks for it.

King Solomon, one of the richest and most successful men who ever lived, had everything he needed and everything you could possibly want in life. But he still asked God for wisdom. He knew that riches and power and comfort meant nothing if he couldn’t make wise decisions. He wanted to honor God—who gave him everything he had—and so he asked for wisdom to know what to do and how to do it.

Wisdom helps you learn from any trouble you’re experiencing. It helps you to know what to do and how to move forward in a way that pleases God. He uses every challenge to develop you, not defeat you.

It may seem like the world is spinning out of control and circumstances keep changing day-by-day. Your stress, your fear, and your worry may be at an all-time high.

But now more than ever is the time to ask “what,” instead of “why.”

Ask God what he wants you to learn from this time of crisis and what he wants you to do. He has promised to give you his wisdom in generous portions.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.