Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Key to Managing Stress: Whose Approval Are You Living For? - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - November 8, 2018

Key to Managing Stress: Whose Approval Are You Living For?
By Rick Warren

“I am not trying to do what I want, but only what [my Father] who sent me wants” (John 5:30 GNT).

You can’t please everyone. It’s one of the great truths of life. If you haven’t learned it yet, you’ll struggle with stress for the rest of your life.

If you please group A, group B will be upset at you. And if you please group B, you’ll upset group A. One minute you’re a hero; the next minute you’re a zero.

Even God can’t please everyone. Think of all the sporting events where people on both sides pray for a win. Only one team can win the game. One person prays for rain. Another prays for snow. Only one gets their prayer answered.

If God can’t please every person, it’s foolish for us to try.

If you don’t know whose approval you’re living for, stress will always follow you.

Jesus models this for us. I’ve been sharing with you Jesus’ seven principles of handling stress. Yesterday, I discussed the Principle of Identification.

Next is the Principle of Motivation. You must know what (and more importantly, whose approval), you’re living for.

Jesus showed us this in John 5:30 when he said: “I am not trying to do what I want, but only what [my Father] who sent me wants” (GNT).

Jesus wasn’t trying to win a popularity contest. He lived for an audience of one. He had a simple life in many ways. He just did what God put him on Earth to do.

Jesus never let approval or rejection of others control him. It’s part of the reason he lived without stress.

In fact,Jesus reminds us in Luke 16:13, “No one can serve two masters” (NLT). You can’t live for the approval of others and live for God’s approval at the same time.

Whose approval are you living for?

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Preparing Your Heart for Christmas Calendar and Booklet

Request our brand-new Christmas resource for THIS WEEK ONLY!

The weeks leading up to Christmas are so full of excitement and preparation that December can be kind of a blur. Before you know it, you’ve missed the true meaning of Christmas.

That’s why Pastor Rick created the Preparing Your Heart for Christmas calendar and devotional.

This two-part resource includes a calendar with a special door for every day of December that opens to reveal an inspirational word and Bible verse. Use it with the companion daily devotional guide to help you and your family draw closer to Jesus and prepare your heart for the real celebration.

This brand-new resource is our gift to thank you for your donation to share the hope of Jesus for THIS WEEK ONLY. So act now to be sure to get yours by December 1!

Preparing Your Heart for Christmas can help you spend the holidays . . .
• Worshipping instead of worrying
• Slowing down and reconnecting with God
• Expressing gratitude for the true meaning of the season

Don’t wait! Give a gift by November 12 and request your copy of the Preparing Your Heart for Christmas calendar and devotional for yourself or as a special gift for someone you love.

This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.