Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Use Your Money to Get People into Heaven - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - January 19, 2019

Use Your Money to Get People into Heaven

By Rick Warren

“Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home”(Luke 16:9 NLT).

Thebest use of your money is using it to get people into heaven.

Luke 16:9 is a problem verse that most people don’t understand. Jesus says, “Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home” (NLT).

Jesus is saying that, just like the shrewd manager who made friends he could count on later, you need to use some of your money to make eternal friends that you will have forever in heaven and who will welcome you when you get there.

He’s not saying you can buy your way into heaven, because you can’t. Jesus has already paid the price on the cross. He’s not saying you can purchase your salvation, because you can’t. Salvation is a free gift by grace.

Jesus is telling you to use your money to build friendships that are going to go on and on for eternity. When you use your money to help other people meet Jesus, you make friends for eternity and you gain rewards for eternity.

One day you’re going to die. Imagine that when you get to heaven, there are a hundred people standing at the entrance, clapping and cheering and saying, “We’ve been waiting for you! We’re here because you spent some money to tell us the Good News. We’re your friends for life—no, eternity, because we’re in debt to you. If it weren’t for the way you used your money, we wouldn’t have heard how to get to heaven.”

Are you using any of your money for that kind of thing? Is anybody going to be in heaven because of you? Because of the way you used your money?

When you buy a Bible and give it to somebody who doesn’t have one, you’ve stored up treasure in heaven. When you support a program that shares the Good News around the world, you have stored up treasure in heaven. When you help build a church, you have stored up treasure in heaven. That is the highest and best use of your money.

You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead by investing in people who are going to heaven.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

Transformed Study Kit

Experience a real transformation from the inside out!

Is there a positive change you want to see in your life in 2019? If so, we want to send you a study kit Pastor Rick Warren has put together called Transformed to help make it happen!

Pastor Rick teaches seven biblically based lessons in Transformed that will help you experience a real transformation from the inside out this year, as you learn from the Bible how to . . .

• Walk more closely with God
• Experience less stress in your life
• Reconcile a ruined relationship
• Handle your money better
• Become more confident at work

The Transformed study kit includes a 7-session DVD and a leather-bound workbook. And it’s our gift to thank you for your financial support of Daily Hope, so please request it when you give below.

Thank you for your generosity to help more people learn, love, and live God’s Word!

This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.