Daily Devotionals

Daily in Your Presence - Feb. 21

 Day 52



  Restore us to yourself, O Lord,
that we may return;
renew our days as of old.
Lamentations 5:21

My child, don't you know I am not finished with you yet? Of course there is hope for you. I have plans for you that you don't even know about yet. Your failures can be stepping-stones to success, if you will let Me restore and draw you to Myself again. I cast no one away who comes to Me in brokenness and repentance. You may never understand a love like that. Just accept it as a gift from your loving Father.

Each time I step backward, You push me forward again. You take me as a master restorer would an old piece of fine furniture covered with streaks of paint and dust, retrieved from its attic burial place, and restore, polish, and renew my dull spirit. Even when I want to, You won't let me quit. I praise You for Your restoration, Lord.


There are no "has beens" in God's kingdom—only "can becomes."

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©2002, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Daily In Your Presence, Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved


Daily in Your Presence Devotional, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Christian Bible Devotions

Daily in Your Presence devotional from Rebecca Barlow Jordan is a popular daily Bible devotion. Daily in Your Presence devotional from Rebecca Barlow Jordan offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Reading daily devotions provides strength and encouragement in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.