Daily Devotionals

Daily in Your Presence - March 23

Day 82



  Out of the north he comes in golden splendor;
God comes in awesome majesty.
Job 37:22

My child, when you spend time worshiping Me and praising My majesty, it draws Me close to your heart. How I long to reveal more of Myself to you as you wait and seek My face. Never think you are wasting time when you reverence My majestic name. As you praise Me, you will find My presence real.

The highest mountain peak and the most awesome wonders of the world are only miniature reflections of Your majesty, Lord.  Yet You, a king enthroned in magnificent glory, treat Your subjects—us, Your children—with love and gentleness. One day, the crown You give will be my applause to You. How majestic is Your name!


One day with God is better than a thousand in the palaces of kings.

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Daily in Your Presence Devotional, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Christian Bible Devotions

Daily in Your Presence devotional from Rebecca Barlow Jordan is a popular daily Bible devotion. Daily in Your Presence devotional from Rebecca Barlow Jordan offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Reading daily devotions provides strength and encouragement in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.