Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Dec. 27


Day 362


For he chose us in him before the creation of the world

to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Ephesians 1:4

My child, do you still wonder about why or where I've placed you on this earth? Do you question My intentions—or My work in your life? Perhaps it is because you don't yet share My vision. Behind the scenes I am working out all the details of My world—and how you fit into it—so you can know, like Esther, that you were here "for such a time as this." Be patient, My child. Catch My vision. Follow Me daily, and you'll see a glorious future unfold.

Long before we entered the scene, before You ever revealed Your plan for creation, You chose us to shine and give praise to You, Lord. In the beginning, before we were ever born, You adopted us as Your own. Even when I'm clueless, Lord, I trust You. You know what You're doing. You are truly a God of vision.


We hope, dream, and make our plans, but the future belongs in God's hands.

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©2002, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Daily In Your Presence, Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved