Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Feb. 28

EDITOR'S NOTE: This devotional offers 365 days of content that is run in perpetuity year-to-year. Unfortunately, there is no February 29 edition available to us, so after today, we'll see you again on March 1! In the meantime on Leap Year itself, we suggest checking in at crosswalk.com/devotionals for your devotional needs! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Day 59


 The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
 Isaiah 40:28

My child, when I designed you, I had eternity on My mind. Your view of Me is limited. But one day you will share heaven's glory forever. One day the veil of your finite mind will be lifted, and you will see the magnitude of My power. You will understand then what eternity is.

My timetable begins and ends with the present.  I cannot see the future, nor can I understand the past.  But You, Lord, are time itself.  Forever and ever, You will embrace us with Your love, Your justice, and Your mercy. You set no limits on Your character. I praise You, my everlasting God.


In exchange for our past, He offers His throne. In exchange for our hearts, He makes heaven our home.

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©2002, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Daily In Your Presence, Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved