Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Jesus of Nazareth - Daily in Your Presence - Feb. 6

Day 37


"We have found the one Moses wrote about. . .
Jesus of Nazareth". . . .
"Can anything good come from there?"
John 1:45-46

From the Father's Heart
My child, do those who know you best question you the most? I, too, found it difficult in My own hometown. Let your character be above reproach, but remember, too, that those closest to you see your humanness every day. Others see the outside, but I view the heart. Others observe your mistakes, but I see your potential.

A Grateful Response
Some called You an ordinary man, the son of a carpenter. But You fulfilled every prophecy and surpassed every expectation. I, too, have found You—Jesus of Nazareth—and nothing but good have You given me. Thank You for showing me that ordinary becomes extraordinary with Your touch, Lord.

Simple Truth 

It's what God thinks of you that matters most.

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