Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - July 23

Day 205


Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba,

and there he called upon the name of the Lord,

the Eternal God.

Genesis 21:33

My child, you have no concept of the magnitude of etern-ity. How could you? Although I created you in My image, you are limited now by finite humanness. But I have put My Spirit within you. I have placed in your heart the longing for eternity—another world, another place. That way, you won't be so tied to this existence that you forget what eternity is for. I am your Eternal God, and I'm preparing you to dwell with Me forever.

In my limited understanding I cannot imagine a place or a person where time has no limits. You are Eternal God. All of the greatness, goodness, and beauty in You I have come to know will never end. Right now I see only a tiny glimpse of You. You are forever, Lord, forever.


Who would want to stay earthbound after a glimpse of eternity?

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