Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - June 8

Day 160


The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.
Psalms 145:15

My child, I created time. Do I not have the right to decide what is the "proper" time for all things? I have never been late. What you perceive as tardiness or indifference, I call a purposeful delay — only because I have ordained perfect timing which you know nothing about. Whenever you call, I always answer. My line is never busy. When you seek Me, you will always find Me. Promptness is something I delight in showing to My children.

In my impatience, Lord, I often cry, "Hurry up!" You are never in a hurry, yet You are always on time. Though I'm sometimes tardy, You've never missed an appointment. For  Your patience with my grumbling, and for Your promptness in my stumbling, I give You thanks, Lord.


God has never failed to keep an appointment.

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