Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - March 10

Day 69


  "I am the vine;
you are the branches."
John 15:5 

My child, do you want to keep the branches of your life strong? Then draw from My life-giving vine. I long to produce lasting fruit in you—luscious food that nourishes not only you but those around you. Abide in Me, and let Me fill your branches with love, joy, peace, and goodness—which are all rooted in Me. Rest in Me, and I will make you a plant that reflects My beauty. I will help you grow strong through all the seasons of life.

You keep me connected, Lord. I draw my nourishment from You. Only as I stay attached to You, my vine and source of life, can I bear fruit. From You flow the life-giving strength and vitality that produce sweet food for others. I would wither and die without You, Lord.


"Branching out" is permissible—as long as we stay attached to the vine.

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