Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - March 13


Day 72



  "Because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun will come to us
from heaven to shine on those living in darkness. . .
to guide our feet into the path of peace."
Luke 1:78-79

My child, have you seen the beauty of My mornings? Have you witnessed the birth of a new day? Glorious, isn't it? I made it for you. But that's not all. I am like that sun, rising in your heart daily to awaken your spirit and bring beauty to your life. My light will brighten every corner of your heart. I love to shine My love down on you!

When the darkness creeps in, and the light seeps out, there You are again, Lord. You stand in the shadows, reaching out to comfort and renew my discouraged heart. You are the light in my dark world. You are the rising sun streaming through my window. From the rising of the sun to its descent at the end of the day, I'll praise You, God.


Like the morning sun beginning to rise is the wonder of God's love in a child's eyes.

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©2002, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Daily In Your Presence, Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved