Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Resistance - Daily in Your Presence - May 23

Day 144



Jesus answered,
"It says:
'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Luke 4:12


My child, I know you so well. Like Peter, you sometimes think you are invincible - beyond gross sinfulness. Even as My child, you are capable of anything. Never turn away from Me for a moment, or you will find yourself in enemy territory. I will not prevent you from being tempted, but I will deliver you from the temptation. Remember, I was tempted, too. I understand. And I will show you a way out. I will also be there to catch you if you fall.

With the authority of Your Father's words, and the power of the Spirit, You send Your worst enemy away. Your resistance to Satan's schemes and desire for power gives me hope and an example to follow. There's no temptation too great for me to bear, Lord. You're on my side.


If you want to avoid temptation, don't go window shopping.

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