Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Nov. 16

Day 321


The reason the Son of God appeared was

to destroy the devil's work.

1 John 3:8

My child, don't believe when others say I am out to get you. I did not come to destroy the world, but to save it. Men and women choose to destroy themselves because they reject Me and My love. You have only one real enemy, and he is real, but full of hot air. He will come to you trying to deceive you with lies about Me and about you. Resist him in My name. I came to destroy his efforts. I won, Child. He cannot harm you. I'm greater than your enemy.

The earth and all that's in it are at Your mercy, Lord. Though You could destroy every living thing with one swift blow, You came to crush the devil, not us. You are the destroyer of evil. You are the One who has already won.


When you're on God's side, Satan is all roar and no bite.

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