Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

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<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Sept. 13


Day 257


"And now one greater than

Solomon is here."

Matthew 12:42

My child, if I told you I would grant anything you wanted, what would you ask Me for? Solomon could have had wealth, health, or fame, but he asked for wisdom. So I gave him all of the other things, as well. But even with his in-comparable wisdom and wealth, I am greater than Solomon. No one can surpass My wisdom. I created you—I know what's best for you—but I will give you wisdom if you ask. And My wisdom is unlike any you'll ever know.

The wisest man on earth held only a fraction of Your wisdom, Lord. You are the One greater than Solomon. You hold together the wisdom of the ages, and all of the world's knowledge would be but a thimbleful compared to what You know, Lord. How wise You are!


Success is not how much you know or where you have been. Success is the character God has formed within.

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