Devotions for Married Couples, by Dr. James Dobson

Dr. Dobson's Married Couples Devotional - Aug. 24

Many Troubles

“’I hate divorce,’ says the Lord God of Israel.” 
Malachi 2:16

Who would know better than the architect of marriage that living with another person day in and day out isn’t always easy? God understands what we’re going through, even in our worst circumstances. When Paul stated that “those who marry will face many troubles in this life” (1 Corinthians 7:28), he wasn’t kidding! Fortunately, God has given us a blueprint in Scripture for success and fulfillment in our marriage relationship. The Lord designed marriage for our benefit, and He knows that destroying this partnership is harmful to us in countless ways.

No wonder God hates divorce. He has made it clear that the concept of separating permanently from one’s marriage partner is not only unacceptable, but abhorrent. The only exception He has recorded for us is in the case of adultery, and even in that situation there is room for forgiveness and reconciliation if we follow Christ’s merciful example.

Our encouragement to you as a husband and wife who seek God’s best is a very personal one. As Jim and I have sought out and followed the Word of God, we have found all the stability and fulfillment in our marriage that He has promised! And you will, too. Marriage is His idea, after all, and His principles and values naturally produce harmony between people. It’s sinful behaviors that kill a relationship.

When your time of “many troubles” strikes, Satan will be ready at just the right moment to suggest the “solution” of divorce. Perhaps you’ve already arrived at this place in the past. Surely you know and love couples who have come to this moment, and have chosen to believe Satan’s lie.

My prayer is that you will believe God instead. - Shirley M Dobson