Devotions for Married Couples, by Dr. James Dobson

Dr. Dobson's Married Couples Devotional - Mar. 21

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Everyday Moments

“I was filled with delight day after day.”
Proverbs 8:30

We all cherish the milestones and special events in the course of married life: the wedding and honeymoon, the birth of children, the twenty‐fifth and fiftieth wedding anniversaries, the kids’ high school and college graduations. These are occasions to celebrate with hugs, photographs, and congratulations all around. But don’t forget to savor the everyday moments that make up the rest of our days. Think about what it means to wake up in the morning next to someone you love and to begin the day with a kiss . . . to exchange knowing glances with your partner as you rake leaves in the yard or share a cup of coffee . . . to hold hands with your mate in church as you sing praises to our glorious God. When you review the mental scrapbook of images from your marriage, we hope it is filled with happy memories of the “big moments” you’ve shared together. But also be sure to include snapshots of those joyful, everyday events that make each day of marriage something special.

Just between us . . .

• What everyday activities bring you joy?
• Do you think we have lived from one big event to the next—or have we tried to make ordinary days special, too?
• How can we help each other savor everyday moments?
• Do our lives demonstrate to others that each moment is a gift from God?

Father, we find Your love in the simple joys around us—a bird’s song or a smile from our mate, blue skies or the laughter of children. Thank You for health and for Your unfailing abundance. open our eyes to the wealth of each day, o Lord. May we never live like paupers when You have made us so rich. Amen.

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This devotional is taken from Night Light for Couples. Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.