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A Forever Friend - Encouragement Café - March 22

A Forever Friend
By Linda Gray

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 ESV

I have read the story of the woman at the well many times. And many times, I have gleaned something new.  As I was preparing for a women's Bible study using this familiar story, I saw another aspect of the life of the Samaritan woman.

The backstory of this woman is familiar to those who have spent any time in Sunday School.  For a refresher, read John 4:4-26. As the song says, “She looked for love in all the wrong places.” Possibly the men she had shared her life with only saw her as an object to be used and abused.  She had a deep longing to be loved and accepted.  

Her reputation was well-known in her village.  Many commentaries note that she went to draw water around noon—probably the hottest part of the day.  The other women would go at a more comfortable time of the day.  For them, it was also a time to fellowship with other women and foster friendships.

Not so, for this woman.  She went when she knew she could avoid the stares and whispers of the other women.  It’s possible that she simply had no female friends.  Or any friends for that matter. 

She met Jesus.  He was a different kind of man.  He seemed genuinely interested in her. He revealed His knowledge of her past and present domestic situation.  But He did so without condemning her.  He offered her a way out.  He offered her living water. A true relationship with the Messiah—a pure relationship—a forever friend.

God created us for relationships.  As women, we have a longing like the Samaritan woman for love and acceptance.  We crave fellowship. 

Our most important relationship is with Jesus.  Relationships with spouses and family are next.  But we also should be developing relationships with other women.  In those friendships, we may find support and strength.  And it’s fun to hang out and just enjoy each other’s company.

Everyday women who desperately need a friend cross our paths.  Let’s reach out to them and introduce them to the Forever Friend.  And then include them into our ever-growing circle of friends.

Dear Father, may I be sensitive to the hurting women that I encounter every day.  Help me to point them to Jesus.  And help me to be a friend. Amen.

© 2021 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved

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