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Bargains Verses Blessings - Encouragement Café - December 8

Bargains Verses Blessings
 by Aj Luck

“I love those who love me, and those who diligently seek me will find me.” Proverbs 8:17 (ESV)

Have you ever looked for your phone, WHILE YOU’RE ON it?

Sunglasses: While you were wearing them?

Where is the craziest place you have looked for your keys? Me? The fridge. YEP.

Lastly, how many of you have roamed aimlessly in a parking lot looking for your car? Me too.

I don’t know about you, but I nearly panic when trying to find something and feel like it’s “NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.”

As we turn the corner into the month of December, the search for the perfect gift begins. Christmas gifts! We search sales flyers, online shops, Amazon, E bay, etc. to try and find the perfect gift for our loved ones.

The pressure is on. The stress begins to escalate. Okay, maybe just for me? I’ll admit, I am a last moment shopper.

In the Bible, the book of Luke mentions several scenarios of people searching for things:
The parable of the lost sheep; The woman searching for her lost coin; The prodigal son searching for himself.

But of all the searches Luke mentions, the greatest one to this day is when the shepherds searched for the newly born Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Sometimes, we tend to lose track of who we are and what we need. During this season, may I offer a suggestion, not only to you, but to myself as well?

SEARCH after God with your whole heart!

After all, despite the claim of the Energizer Bunny, Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving.

While searching for Christmas gifts during December, get creative and give God a gift each day for each day of the month.

The gifts can be something as simple as sitting quietly with Him; Serve someone else with no expectations; Choose a gentle word versus a harsh reaction.  Be creative. Keep a journal. Reflect back on the many gifts God has placed in your hands to be a blessing to others.

Dear Jesus, As we go forward in this season of celebrating may we be ever mindful of the gift YOU are, not just the gifts You offer. May our words be Your words. May our actions be Your actions and may our intentions and efforts glorify You above all else. In Jesus Name, Amen

© 2018 by Aj Luck.  All rights reserved.

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