Encouragement Café

Being Robbed at Night - Encouragement Café - May 6

Being Robbed At Night
 By Dawn Neely

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

The difference between a robbery and a burglary is this: a burglary occurs when you are not present; a robbery happens face-to-face. If you or I are robbed, we are there facing the perpetrator and all the adrenaline in our body comes forward, full force.

Satan tries to rob me all the time! Especially at night when things are quiet and I have time to think. I imagine things are going pretty well and then it happens -- worry, anxiety and fear enter face-to-face with me, as if I had given them a key to my front door.

And if truth be known, I did give them permission. I let them have a seat in my mind, agreed with them, let their lies simmer on my stove and allowed them to steal me of my joy. Anxiety stole my peace. Fear stole my present as it projected into my future. I was so wrapped up in the “what-if’s”, that I couldn't focus on the “what now's”.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructs us not to worry (Matthew 6:25-34). Knowing all, He tells us what the root of our anxiety is: How will my needs be met tomorrow?

I can expend an enormous amount of energy trying to figure it out. I try to find a solution to a situation that has not even happened yet. So I sit and stew in my self made bowl of calamity chowder, waiting for the worst to happen.

Jesus' counterclaim to this is our Heavenly Father, the Author of life and the Creator of each individual, who knows our needs before we have them. He instructs us in the scripture today to seek a relationship with Him and then all other things will fall into a proper perspective.

The fundamental thing that God asks from us is that we believe and trust in Him. We cannot always silence the negative thoughts, but by studying God's word we can learn to overcome the lies that seek to hold us back. As we begin to hear God's voice, we will see that His perfect love can kick fear out of our lives and lead us safely into His will. Believe me, even at the bottom of your worst fear you will find a greater God!

Dear God, thank You for being greater than all my fears. Your perfect love has more power than anything the enemy will ever throw my way. Help me to trust You more, prepare and wait on You for the peace that You desire for me. I want to take every thought captive in obedience to You. Help me to choose to trust You instead of entertaining lies and fear. Help me, dear God. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

© 2020 by Dawn Neely.  All rights reserved.

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