Encouragement Café

Calgon, Take Me Away Now - Encouragement Café - October 24

Calgon, Take Me Away Now
 By Robin Jones

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20 NIV

There I was, again, in the bathtub drowning the days’ cares along with the results of the 360˚ feedback session in my head.   In between sobs and snuffles, I uttered, “Calgon, take me away.  That place would be better off without me.”

For weeks before this dramatic scene, I felt God showing me that I exalted Robin more than Jesus.

No matter how much I argued with God, the feeling wouldn’t go away.  I had to confirm if it was true.   I asked God to show me what to change.  The words “360˚feedback” blinked in my mind.

“Really, Lord?” I parried, “Constructive criticism is not for chickens like me.”  I felt a squeeze inside my chest, like a hug.  I nodded in agreement, “Yes, Lord.”

When the survey came back, it confirmed who I had been promoting at work.  It wasn’t Jesus

“Ugh!”  I was slayed, crushed, a blubbering mess.  “Jesus, what must I do?  You have to teach me how to honor you in all I do and say.”   

A picture popped in my mind.  It was a cross.  A gentle whisper came, “Crucify it.”  A verse played through my mind,

For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that His life may be revealed in our mortal body. 2 Corinthians 4:11 NIV

My sobs settled down.  I sat up in the bubbles.  The light bulb moment occurred.  “OH!  This place would be better off without “ME”!  But who it can’t do without is YOU!”

I prayed immediately, “Yes, Lord, I accept.  I accept the death of “ME”.  Death to my complaining, gossiping, griping, frustrated, opining, always-talking-never-listening, disrespecting, over busy self so that YOU WILL LIVE IN ME INSTEAD!  

Radiate your kindness, compassion, love, gentleness, patience, forbearance, and humility.  Life truly begins at death.  Let death be at work in me, so that life can be at work in others.  Amen!”

Each day, use this formula “Die to Pride Instead, Abide.” 

Prayerfully ask Jesus to help you “put off” pride and the sins that trip you up.  Picture yourself taking them off like dirty clothes.  Then pray for the Lord to adorn you. 

Let Him “put on” His radiance on you (Colossians 3:12-14).  See yourself standing at a closet with beautiful, shiny new clothes inside.  Picture Jesus placing His radiance on you.

Lord, let us remember that we must decrease so that You may increase.  May we humble ourselves and extinguish our light so that Your perfect light will do its work and reach to the ends of the earth.  In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen.

© 2018 by Robin Jones.  All rights reserved.

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