Encouragement Café

Can't Wait - Encouragement Café - March 4

Can’t Wait
By Paris Renae

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. Luke 12:31 NLT

I don’t like change, the unexpected, surprises; how about you?

I think I’m a slow learner. (Best not to mention things we don’t like.) All three of those things happened at once last week. I’m not alone, grandsons don’t like change either. In fact, my grandchildren often like the humdrum routine best. Go to gwammy’s, do this, eat that, end the day with those – repeat next time.

Routine is familiar, safe. But from Adam and Eve up through you and me – life isn’t static or certain. “And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.” (1 John 2:17 NLT)

Here’s what I think I’m hearing, learning: will I release control? Will I not try to fix it? Will I, instead, listen intently to the Holy Spirit, search the Scriptures more, choose to let Love show the way? God is Love right? Then the answer to most dilemmas must be our hearts filled up with His Love.

“And this is His commandment: We must believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us.” (1 John 3:23 NLT)  This is not easy stuff. It is not our normal. In our world we are taught we are number one, get what we’re entitled to. Yet answers to change are often: wait, patience, forbearance, long-suffering, don’t rush ahead, slow down, listen, forgive. Ugh.

There will be a day when the unexpected will only produce delight. A forever where life is anything but routine and we will welcome it. An eternity where surprise will elicit: ‘I can’t wait.’

Until then, there’s much our souls need to learn. The Bible doesn’t have words idly written for someone in another time. No words once relevant but aren’t now. Every word, principle, life story, outcome – all there for us today, and all who will read it until Jesus returns.

The certainty our hearts need can’t come from circumstances around us. The routine you and I can thrive from is a mindset and heartset centered around reading the Creator’s words, memorizing those words, turning our thoughts constantly to a God perspective, praying without stopping. In those, there is no unexpected, no change, and no surprise – except that of peace and joy. Can’t wait!

Jesus, You are the only thing that does not change. You are our constant, our anchor. When we find ourselves wondering ‘what next’, turn our hearts to Who is and always will be. When we want to run and hide – show us You are our strong tower and our refuge. And, in this journey, make us bold to show others Your amazing love.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For more encouragement, visit Paris at parisrenae.com.

© 2021 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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