Encouragement Café

Rest and Recognize - Encouragement Café - August 30, 2016

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Rest and Recognize
By Robin Jones
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth!’ — likewise to the light rain, also to the downpour.  He brings all human activity to a stop, so that everyone he has made can know it.  Job 37:6-7 CJB

In some ways, snow days aren’t restful or refreshing.  The kids and the dogs are up and down and in and out--wet feet, wet clothes, and snotty noses.  I just get everyone and everything dried up and refueled then it’s time to go out again.

However, there is a calm within the storm.  There are the early hours of morning before anyone gets up or is let out.  The day’s normally scheduled activities are shut down by the Lord Himself.

The snow falls silently and the Lord speaks.

God thunders wonderfully with his voice, he does great things beyond our understanding.  He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth!’ — likewise to the light rain, also to the downpour.  He brings all human activity to a stop, so that everyone he has made can know it. Job 37:5-7 CJB

Pondering there I consider how meteorologists use the latest and greatest scientific tools to predict snowfall amounts, but more often than not they get it wrong.

Why?  According to our Scripture today,

he (God) does great things beyond our understanding.

Try as we might to understand, God and His ways are mysteries.  (Job 37:5 and Isaiah 55:9)

Look at what Elihu says next for proof of His sovereignty,

He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth!’ — likewise to the light rain, also to the downpour.  He brings all human activity to a stop...

Regardless of how out of control and out of commission we are, God remains in complete control attending to His purposes in the storm.

God’s Word translation illuminates God’s purpose in verse 7 this way,

He makes it impossible to do anything so that people will recognize his work.

Snow days restore our rest so that we can RECOGNIZE God’s handiwork!

How long has it been since you considered,

Be still and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10 NIV

Body:Take a walk outside.  Find the biggest tree you can and compare your size to it.

Mind:While you are looking at the tree, consider how trees reproduce from acorn, to mighty oak, to a new acorn.

Spirit:Pray Isaiah 61:1-3 back to the Lord.

Lord, it is well with my soul.  I praise You for Your handiworks. I thank You for Snowmagedden 2016. I praise You for getting my attention of the day to day hub bub onto Your handiworks! You are amazing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2016 by Robin Jones.  All rights reserved.

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