Encouragement Café

When a Child Falls… - Encouragement Café - December 12, 2016

When A Child Falls…
By Jill Beran
Monday, December 12, 2016

Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.  Psalms 37:24 NIV

She was learning to walk, but she kept falling down.  She longed to ride a bike, but she struggled with balance and often found herself on the ground instead of two wheels.  The little girl grew, but she tripped over her feet.

These falls hurt and she needed help.  Thankfully her loving father was there to pick her up, wipe her tears and comfort her during the pain.  Friend, our physical body or limitations may no longer cause us to fall, but there are times we still stumble.

As a Christian walking in faith can be hard, sometimes life can knock us down.  Developing a new discipline isn’t easy and we can stumble as we run life’s race.  Maturing in the faith and becoming more like Jesus can create growing pains that truly bring us to our knees.

Friend, the Bible tells us we will stumble and fall (Isaiah 40:30), but it also assures us “those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  (Isaiah 40:31)

Perhaps, as a little girl, your daddy wasn’t there to pick you up; but may we all remember, as a child of God, we have a heavenly Father who is always present and forever faithful!

Friend, as we walk this road called life, distractions can trip us up, busyness can cause us to stumble and pain may lead to a fall.  But God can lift us to our feet, lend a hand when we need help and provide comfort when we are hurt.  Let us not forget - when we fall - our Father is there to help us up!

Friend, think about the times life causes you to stumble.  How do you respond?  Do you believe God is there to help you up?  Spend sometime in prayer asking God to tender your heart so that you trust Him more and are willing to ask for help the next time you fall.

Dear Heavenly Father, sometimes life is hard and there are moments when I still fall. Others knock me down and I cause myself to trip, thank You Lord for always being there and helping me up. May I remember that You want to help and will provide just what I need every time I fall. I’m grateful that YOU do not grow weary and are able to renew my strength. Do that now Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

© 2014 by Jill Beran.  All rights reserved.

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