Encouragement Café

He Loves Me, He Loves Me… - Encouragement Café - February 17

He Loves Me, He Loves Me…
 By Paris Renae

“For great is Your love, higher than the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.”  Psalm 108:4 NIV

Remember as a tween/teen picking a daisy and plucking petals: he loves me, he loves me not? How quickly that innocence fades into deeper questions, doubts.

All too quickly, we find out how fickle human love can be. Even our own. How often do our loving thoughts towards those closest to us, turn to irritation or anger over everyday things? We find ourselves withholding love over sometimes trivial, sometimes big things.

Then I wonder: What if God’s love was that way? Well then, it would be ‘he loves me not’ a whole lot more often than ‘he loves me’, as I daily mess up.

But God’s love isn’t like that. He knows our mess-ups before we do them – and He still pours out His love on us. Down to even our ‘not so sweet thoughts’. Before we tuck away those judgmental feelings, those harsh criticisms, He’s already forgiven and put away as far as east is from west.

Why? Why would God be so patient, so in love with us? Because when we say ‘yes’ to Jesus, we acknowledge that it’s not our perfection, but Jesus’.

God so loved us, from before He breathed life into the first man, that He set a kazillion stars for us to gaze at. He made soft snow and sunny beaches. He created a world of vibrant color and endless creatures. All because He knew it would delight us.

Only perfect love can love like that, and there is only one perfect love. Oh yes, He loves me, He loves you, He loves us – when it comes to love, there is no ‘not’ in God’s vocabulary.

Ever been hurt by those who should love you? Ever withheld love from those closest to you? Maybe as we remember His perfect and great love, even in our imperfection, we can work on: “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." John 13:34b NIV

O Father, this is not always easy for us. Some have been wounded deeply and love involves trust. At times Father, we also get caught up in self and find ourselves being anything but loving. You are our great example. Draw us deeper into knowing You. Set our hearts on fire with love that doesn’t ebb and flow but risks giving. Because here on earth, no matter how it turns out, You still love us with love higher than the heavens and You are faithful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2018 by Paris Renae, All rights reserved.

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