Encouragement Café

You’re Not Good - Encouragement Café - January 5, 2018

You’re Not Good
By Dawn Mast

“For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.” Psalms 117:2 NIV

The Christian school our daughter attends is 20 miles from our house. Back and forth I go everyday, and the miles add up quickly. I don’t mind a bit driving those 80 plus miles a day, but I will say that I sometimes get a little bored when it’s just me in the van. I’ve been known to pray out loud, sing (not as good as praying. Trust me.) and think up random people to call on my Bluetooth just to have someone to talk to.

But the most entertaining is usually the radio.

One day I was listening to a secular radio station and listeners were calling in with their personal problems. The topic focused on how a person’s parents were influential in the life of a child. Callers would share about their upbringing and how their parents deceived them or cheated them out of a normal childhood. There were sad, heartbreaking stories of pain, loss and hurt.

Then the disc jockey told one of the callers, “Your dad was bad. You are good.”

While in the eyes of the world this may appear to be true, it’s not Biblical. God’s Word tells us that,

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 NIV

This may not sound very encouraging, but we are not good. It is only because Christ is in us that we are worthy to be anything! We are loved and redeemed, because He first loved us. It’s hard to understand and the world doesn’t get it.

God’s Word is so true in Psalms 27:10 (NIV),

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”

Darling friend, your parents, siblings, spouse, children, friends and neighbors are human. They will make mistakes, break promises and fail us. They are ultimately not good. They, like all of us, have, “Sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

While others will let us down, and we in turn will disappoint the people we love, the Lord will not forget us. He will receive us where we are. Our Heavenly Father will love us where others have let us down and left us feeling disappointed. Because He knows that none of us are good He is good enough for us all.

It’s a lot of pressure to be everything to everyone. Especially if you are a parent! We feel burned out, tired and stretched way too thin most of the time. Try to allow God to absorb the stress you feel to be good and trust His goodness. He promises to never let you down.

Thank You, Father God for never letting me down. I know I can trust in Your Word and that Your promises are true. You are Who You say You are and everything You say can be trusted. In a world where it’s hard to count on things and people, I know I can count on You. Thank You God for being righteous and unfailing. I will build my faith on You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Dawn at www.thatdawnedonme.wordpress.com.

© 2017 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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