Encouragement Café

I am His! - Encouragement Café - July 28, 2017

I Am His!
By Lara Sadowski

Friday, July 28, 2017

Such confidence we have through Christ before God.Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.  2 Corinthians 3:4-5 NIV

Confidence seemed to come so easy for others. Confidence in grades. Confidence in friends. Confidence in appearance. I thought at times that when God passed out confidence, I was left holding the door. Can I hear an Amen out there?

I was a pretty sensitive little girl, so I kept my feelings to myself. I did not feel like I was good enough.

Why couldn’t I have been blonde?
Why couldn’t my hair have been straight?
Mom, why don’t I have long legs?
Why couldn’t I be tan so I could be prettier?
Why can’t I be part of the in-crowd?

These questions are just a tiny example of the ones I kept asking myself… and God. As you can tell, I had a terrible self-esteem problem that stemmed from deep clinical depression.

That eventually manifested itself in a decade-long battle with anorexia nervosa.  God and I had a lot of conversations – most of which I was crying and weeping to Him about how much pain I endured.

I just wanted to be like everyone else.  I bet many of you know what I mean.

Eventually, I got help from an incredible Christian counselor, and I began to learn something wonderful: WHO I AM IN CHRIST. And, boy, was I surprised.

On Joyce Meyer’s website, she wrote a blog post entitled, “Knowing Who I Am In Christ,” where she lists some of the following awesome truths about who we are in Him:

How cool is this? All of these attributes (and so many more), we can claim for ourselves in Christ. He loves us that much.

We are His daughters, friends. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I say that out loud. (Please do not pinch yourselves if you don’t want to!) Just know that you are beautiful in His sight. He loves you. Guaranteed.

What are some positive steps you can begin taking?

  • Tell the Lord how you feel. He longs to fill you with His love.
  • Spend time with Him each day and marinate on just one of His characteristics. Memorize that verse and hide it in your heart.
  • Write down what God tells you in His time with Him. Just a sentence or two is fine. He is so excited to spend time with His daughter, and He longs to make you whole.

Heavenly Father, I pray for my sisters in Christ who are not confident in who they are in You. This world can tear a girl apart with all of society’s and culture’s mixed messages. Help them to see that they are Your daughters and give them peace and strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2017 by Lara Sadowski. All rights reserved.

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