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Food That Satisfies - Encouragement Café - March 1, 2018

Food That Satisfies
By Judy Fussell
Thursday, March 1, 2018

“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty.” Jeremiah 15:16 (NIV)

Last night I positioned myself on the couch before the flickering light of TV with a bag of dark chocolate bark laced with roasted pumpkin seeds and sea salt.  I was unwinding after a busy day and this was my treat. 

One luscious bite led to another as I reveled in its stupefying deliciousness. 

Mindlessly the bag was emptied of its contents!  As the “sugar high” quickly began to subside, my stomach hurt, and I was faced with the knowledge that a few new pounds would soon find their way into my already too tight pants!

Is this an all too familiar scenario for you too?  We are told in the old cliché, “You are what you eat!”  There is indeed much truth found in those words.

Jesus declared in Scripture, “I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”  John 6:35 (NIV)

Just as our physical body has needs for life so does our spirit.

Food powers my physical body.  The type of fuel I take in determines the amount of energy and quality of life that is produced.  So it is with my empty spirit that craves to be filled.

The choice of spiritual food is mine.  I can subsist on mindless fillers and substitutes that bring momentary pleasure.  These leave me feeling sick, empty, and craving more. 

God’s Word, instead, has been specially prepared with sacrificial love to fuel, energize, light my path, and never leave me empty.  It is the finest of fare prepared and peppered with all the essentials our Creator intended to be “the real thing.”

Let’s take Christ at His Word that He is our bread and daily fill ourselves with His food that truly satisfies.  The table has been prepared and the bounty waits. 

Take your Bible.  Choose a book.  The Gospel of John is a good starting place. Read a chapter or a small portion of a chapter.  Mark meaningful words that speak to you. 

Meditate and then journal how God has fueled you for the day.  Your spirit will soar!

Father, so often we fill ourselves with junk even though we know it leaves us empty.  Give us the desire to dine with you in Your Word every day!  This is where we find what truly gives life.  You never cease to delight and amaze, but we must come to Your table to dine.  Let us remember the Psalmist’s words, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103 (NIV)

© 2018 by Judy Fussell.  All rights reserved.

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