Encouragement Café

Getting Connected - Encouragement Café - March 16

Getting Connected
 By Jamy Whitaker

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:33 NIV

As a busy woman, being organized is key. Therefore, I gravitate to list. In fact, many times, I have lists for my lists. It is such a sense of accomplishment to check those items off the list and see everything completed. However, you and I must realize that just checking God off our personal list every day is not going to build a relationship with Him.

We must choose to connect with God daily. Matthew 6:33 lays it all out for us – “seek first.” By simply incorporating the decision to seek God first into my day, I have found that I am craving His presence even more. There have been times this week that I am just sitting in God’s presence and longing to draw closer to Him.

Growing up in the church, I have read and heard this verse numerous times. However, I have purposely taken this “head knowledge” and moved it to “heart knowledge.”

In the middle of a flurry of school activities, helping out family members, health concerns and everyday trials, God has given me a precious gift – peace.

This gift is given to all those who choose to abide in Him; connect with Him in a real way. You and I must choose to focus on our Savior instead of drowning in our circumstances.

You and I cannot do it on our own; we were never meant to. One of the keys to being better equipped to handle the trials in our lives in “abiding in Christ.” What does that mean to you?

The enemy wants more than anything for each one of us to stay in a state of feeling discouraged and unable to handle the circumstances in our lives. Many times this causes us to turn inward instead of reaching out to the only one who can truly help us – God.

There are still several areas unresolved in my life at this time, but I am resting today in the knowledge that God has it all under control. Everything, every minuscule detail, will be taken care of in His time and His will.

I challenge you today to find some time, even if it is only a few minutes, and get alone with God. Seek His Presence and lay your concerns and stress at His feet. He will gladly exchange that for peace.

How are you choosing to seek God first?

How has the message of Matthew 6:33 impacted you?

Share what you discovered when you crave God and actively pursue time with Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, We come to You today and ask that You would draw us near to You. May we connect with You daily and not simply be something to check off our to-do lists. You tell us to seek You first, may You help us to listen to Your counsel and not be bogged down by the busyness of the world. May we learn to rest in You, as our only source of true peace and joy. In Your Precious Name, Amen.

Seek Ye First

For more encouragement, visit Jamy at https://jamywhitaker.org/ 

© 2021 by Jamy Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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