Encouragement Café

Coffee with Jesus - Encouragement Café - March 8, 2017

Coffee with Jesus
By Heather Bleier

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)

When faced with someone’s hurt and brokenness, I simply didn’t have the words to offer comfort. Sometimes the brokenness was that of a friend or family member. Other times it was my own.

I longed to offer up a prayer, to say the right thing so God would hear my heartfelt plea. Kneeling with hands folded, head bowed, heart full, I found my mouth was empty.

What do you lift to the God who sees all and knows all? Will my humble words reach His ear? Or will they lose the battle against all other voices seeking His intervention, only to be cast out into the oblivion?

Take comfort. Whether you lift up a prayer for one whose life is coming to a close or to find your keys in the depths of your purse, God hears and answers every prayer.

Romans 8:26 gives us a powerful reminder. Even when our words fail, His Spirit steps in and speaks on our behalf. Other verses remind us that He is the God that sees. Nothing is hidden from His gaze (Genesis 16:3). More importantly, God longs to hear from us, inviting us to confidently approach His throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16).

But what if you aren’t sure where to start? What if not knowing how to pray is the issue? Well, fill your coffee cup and pull up a chair.

Praying is simply a conversation with God. Imagine yourself sitting with a dear friend over a cup of coffee. Our dearest friends aren’t concerned with how well we speak or if we even use all the “right” words.

What they care about is spending time with us. With friendships spanning over years, there are even times when they already know what’s on our mind. Now replace that friend with an image of Jesus.

Jesus extends an open invitation to meet with Him at any moment of our day. He will never have to reschedule. He is always available. He is excited to meet with you and hear about every part of your day from putting on mismatched shoes in the dark to the frustrations you encounter.

Just like with our close friends when silence fills the space, it’s comfortable. Simply being together is enough. Often no words need to be spoken at all.

What a joy it is to know that the Lord of all creation desires to share this time with us, His children. Coffee breath and all.

For those looking for a place to start, try praying A.C.T.S.S.:

Adoration – Begin by praising God.

Confession – Lay your sins at the cross of Christ, confident that every single one is forgiven.

Thanksgiving – Recognize the many blessings God has poured out for you.

Supplication – Lift up those who are in need of His healing hand, no matter what kind of healing is needed.

Silence – Listen for His voice. Conversations are between two people, each having their turn to speak. Listening for His voice may come in the form of reading His Word, journaling, or listening for Him throughout your day.

An example of A.C.T.S.S.:


A – You are almighty! There is no one like You in all of creation. Your love for us is beyond our imagination. We cannot comprehend its depths, nor can we reach beyond its limit.

C – We try and try. Each day we seek to follow Your will and Your Word. Each day, we fall short. Forgive me when I (lift your confession to Him).

T – You are the God of all comfort and compassion. In You there is perfect forgiveness. Thank You for sending Your Son to pay the ransom we could not afford. Thank You for every blessing, both big and small You have poured out into our lives. Thank You for (lift your blessings to Him).

S – Our world is broken and in need. There are those who are hungry and without homes. Some who have homes live in fear. Lord, watch over all of those in need. (Lift up those whom you know are in need.  You can also pray for those you don’t know.)

S – Father, quiet our hearts today. Help us to listen for Your voice above the noise. We ask this all in Your Son's name, Amen.

© 2017 by Heather Bleier. All rights reserved.

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