Encouragement Café

Life Isn’t Graded on a Bell Curve - Encouragement Café - May 22

Life Isn’t Graded on a Bell Curve
By Noelle Dey

So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Romans 14:12 NLT

It’s hard to call yourself a fitness professional when you’re bribing your daughter with doughnuts.

We were searching for a church to call “home,” and the promise of a glazed Krispy Kreme proved to be an effective incentive to get our daughter to go to Sunday school by herself… again.

I kissed her goodbye in front of the fourth-grade classroom.  All went well until I realized a few parents were glaring at my little girl.

It didn’t take long to put two and two together.  Sierra’s sense of style didn’t fit that upscale community.  Her Wal-mart polka dotted t-shirt clashed with her wildly patterned skirt.  But as far as she was concerned, her neon running shoes tied the whole look together.

The moment I saw their scowls, rapid-fire thoughts blazed in my mind.  I found myself trying to shine a light on their flaws.  

I prayed, “Lord, would you look at them?  Do something!  I mean, I know I have my issues, but I would never judge their kids!”

God was speaking to my heart, but I wasn’t ready to listen until my quiet time the next morning.  

So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God Romans 14:12 NLT 

Ourselves.  As in, not others.  

I’ve always felt more comfortable in classes that were graded on a curve.  I might not be the smartest, but I can certainly do better than some.  

And that’s the way I’ve viewed life.

But God doesn’t grade on a curve.  God is calling me to give an account of my life.  He wants me to focus on my heart and my relationship with Him.  

He also reminded me that everyone has a story.  No matter what I see in others, I never have enough information to pass judgment on their hearts.  

Have you ever been tempted to play the comparison game?  Or do you find yourself trying to keep up with the Joneses?  If so, here is the three-step process that has helped me tremendously:

  1. Remember that the person you want to judge has a story.  If you knew it, chances are you’d be overflowing with compassion instead of judgment. 
  2. Pray that their hearts would be tender to receive God’s perfect love.
  3. Choose a love action from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 that you can implement immediately. (Be patient, kind, humble, persevere, etc.)

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for focusing intimately on us.  Empower us through Your Holy Spirit in the moments when we want to compare ourselves to others.  Show us how to love instead of judging or comparing.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

For more encouragement, check out Noelle’s book:  Transformation by Truth: 30 days to a healthy heart, mind and body.

© 2021 by Noelle Dey.  All rights reserved.

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