Encouragement Café

What’s the Common Denominator? - Encouragement Café - September 22, 2016

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What’s the Common Denominator?
By Christie Davis
Thursday, September 22, 2016

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22 KJV

Have you ever had one of those seasons when you can’t seem to find a lot to laugh about?  You know those times?  When work is not fun anymore, your housework is never done, home cooked meals . . . what’s that?

There’s no time for yourself and everyone around you is complaining about everything.  I was just in that season.  I tried to stay “Super Wife and Super Mom,” but inside I was wondering if I had a chemical or hormonal imbalance.

I wondered,

Why do I feel unhappy?  Why am I not feeling that radiant joy that Jesus always supplies?

I was miserable and knew something had to change.  I tried to avoid certain situations, certain people, and even started backing off from areas of ministry.  

Maybe I am just stretching myself too thin, I thought.  

I was sure that was it!

Until, one day, the greatest revelation came to me.  

What was the common denominator in each situation?  Me!

Talk about a smack in the face.  

Who was secretly sulking over events in life and complaining about other people complaining?  Me.  

Who chose to think about the negative aspects of work?  Me.

It took me no time to fall to my knees and ask for forgiveness.  Without hesitation, He heard me and provided His words of encouragement. Job 8:21 says,

He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.

And praise the Lord He has!

It was me all along!

I was the complainer, sometimes outward and sometimes inward.  

Who am I to complain?  I am a princess who is allowed to work for the King!  I get to work for Him, whether it is at my job or at my home taking care of my family.  What an honor!  

In all those thoughts, I don’t believe that I was truly bringing glory to God.  But as I work daily to change my thinking, I again feel His joy and excitement for the life He chose to save.  My joy and my laughter are back.  

I can again laugh with my family, as they make up silly songs revolving around the size of my “thunder thighs.”  Yes, we are that “weird family” that expresses love in many different ways. 

However weird or normal your family may be, choose to cherish and enjoy the gifts God has given you.  In that, you will find joy and laughter.

 There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:4 NIV

Decide now what time it is for you.  Choose now to laugh and dance in all that God has for you, until life presents a time to mourn.  When that time comes, God will comfort you and mourn with you.  Until then, dance for Him (and let your family laugh with you)!

Dear Jesus, forgive me for my day to day frustrations and whining.  You willingly carried my cross to Calvary, and here I sit complaining about burnt bread.  Help me to focus on serving You in everything that I do.  I pray that others see You in my life instead of my flesh!  I pray that I glorify You in all that I do.  In Your Name I pray, Amen.

© 2016 by Christie Davis.  All rights reserved.

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