Encouragement Café

A Thread of Hope, Part 2 - Encouragement Café - September 26, 2017

A Thread of Hope – Part 2
By Annah Matthews

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

“When we heard this we lost heart and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below.”  Joshua 2:1 HCSB

Yesterday’s story of Rahab let us glimpse behind the walls of Jericho as Rahab the prostitute encountered the Israelites. She chose to believe in the God of Israel and hang a thread of hope on their

God being unlike any other god she had ever encountered. She is at a cross road in her faith, she is scared, she acknowledges the one true God, YAWEH, and she asks for safety.

In Joshua 2, the Israelites are preparing to invade Jericho and Rahab asks for salvation and refuge. Not only for herself but for her entire family. The Israelite spies ask her to hang a scarlet cord out of her window to receive salvation and mercy.

“..when we enter this land, you tie this scarlet cord to the window through which you let us down. Bring your father, mother, brothers and all your father’s family into your house…’Let it be as you say’, she replied and she sent them away. After they were gone she tied the scarlet cord to the window.” Joshua 2:18, 21 HCSB

She literally and figuratively hangs her hope in God, and she places a scarlet cord out of her window as a sign for the Israelites to pass over her household. The scarlet thread saves Rahab and her story weaves into God’s story which becomes HISTORY.

Rahab is not mentioned much after this major encounter but we hear parts of her story and read about her influence in Scripture. Here are the things we do know.

She is saved, her family is saved, and she eventually marries Salmon who is an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. She is one of the first stories we see in Scripture of a Gentile being grafted into the line of Israel.

Can you see the symbolism here? The impact of her life, how one decision influenced another and, through her faith, God completely redeemed all the ugliness of her past.

Fast forward to the first chapter in Matthew – Where the Old Testament meets the New Testament and God’s story of redemption continues to weave her life with His divine plan.

In Matthew 1:5-6  we read about the genealogy of Christ. Rahab became the mother of Boaz and she was the mother-in-law of Ruth (as in the Book of Ruth)

She was the great-grandmother of Jesse and the great-great grandmother of King David

But it gets better because this genealogy continues all the way down to Matthew 1:16

Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Mary, who gave birth to Jesus who is called the Messiah.

Rahab the prostitute, tossed aside, isolated, used, turns her life towards YAWEH, the true God. She hung a literal thread of hope on her salvation in this true and living God and her influence is monumental.

A prostitute of Jericho is saved, she is redeemed, and she is restored by marrying into the tribe of Judah. She is grafted into the family of Jesus Christ. Just like we are, when we simply have faith, trust, and believe.

What is the story He is writing in your life today?

We think that we know how the story will end. We think that this is the final chapter and we have the ending all figured out.

Make no mistake, for as long as you live and breathe on this earth, God’s story is not complete in your life. You have influence! Don't close the book. God is still writing. Your Story is not over yet.

Thank You, God, for the thread of hope that You gave us through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Jesus, for being our Redeemer, our Salvation, and extending us grace and mercy when we didn’t deserve it through the sacrifice of Christ. May You keep us mindful that we have huge influence in our homes and families and may You help us to keep our minds set on the things above!

On your own: Read the Story of Rahab in Joshua 2 and her salvation in Joshua 6. Then take some time to read through the story of Ruth and see how Rahab raised a son named Boaz who became the husband and redeemer for Ruth (also a Gentile). Her influence and her impact is enormous… all because she placed her faith in God!

© 2017 by Annah Matthews.  All rights reserved.

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