<< Encouragement Café

Multi-tasking - Encouragement Café - September 9, 2016

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By Jamy Whitaker
Friday, September 9, 2016

 “’Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many thing, but few things are needed – or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”  Luke 10:41-42 NIV

As the calendar turns to December, it seems to be difficult to find any white space left.  This is an example of a very social, involved family, right?  I mean, getting everything crammed in before Christmas by maximizing every moment is what we are wired to do, correct?

As I perused over the daily schedule for the coming week, I really had to stop and think about whether this is how God would want me to spend my time.

The story of Mary and Martha immediately came to mind.  For those of you not familiar with the story (Luke 10:3-42), Jesus shows up to their home and Martha plays the role of hostess.  She is busy preparing the meal and making certain everything is in its rightful place.  Mary, on the other hand, is at the feet of Jesus hanging on His every word.

Both women had a choice to make on how they would spend their time.  Mary, having a heart for God, knew she needed to set everything else aside in order to focus wholly on the Lord.  Hosting Jesus, instead of being with Jesus, distracted Martha.  This is a choice that you and I have to make as well.

How often do we lose sight of what is really needed? 

We tend to focus on the urgent, not necessarily the important.  Let me explain this in a different way. 

Imagine that a dear friend has invited you over for dinner.  You have not seen each other in some time and you are really looking forward to this.  You enter her home and the entire time you are there, she is fussing over everything and trying to keep you entertained.  However, you really just want her to stop and enjoy one another’s company. 

This is what God longs for – time with you.  He does not just want to be part of your to-do list.  He wants to be a part of your life.  The good news with God is that we do not have to have it all together to come before Him.

Therefore, I challenge you this Christmas season to make it a priority to give God your best and to sit and rest with Him every day.  Don’t become so consumed going and doing that you don’t stop long enough to just be.

We can only be preoccupied with one thing.  What has your attention today?  How are you choosing to spend your time?  Are you selecting what is a good use of your time or the best use of that time?  Share how you prioritize your schedule.

Dear Heavenly Father, as I enter into the Christmas season this year, I ask that You help me to see that being busy is not what You have in mind.  I pray that You will guide me and give me the wisdom I need to know when to say “yes” and when to say “no.”  Let me give You time every day when I sit in Your presence and just be still.  I long to find my rest in You alone, instead of filling my days with list after list of things to do.  I want this Christmas season to be all about You.  I want to shine Your light into the world around me.  I can only pour into others when I am first filled with You.  Help me to reevaluate my priorities and put You first.  In Your Precious Son’s Name, Amen.

© 2013 by Jamy Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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