Encouragement Café

He Knows You - Encouragement Café - Feb. 27, 2014

He Knows You

Café Menu for Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today’s Special is: Trouble Will Come, But . . .

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Carol

Main Ingredient:

Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet.  In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed.

– Luke 8:47 NIV


Everybody has a story.  Some of us have lived lives that look much different from the façade that we portray.  A gasp would probably be the response to certain areas of my story.  Lost loves.  Mistakes made.  Epic failures.  Daily addictions.  Ongoing struggles.  It’s the one thing that we all have in common.  “. . . In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

No matter what your “trouble” is – it’s one of the things that we are promised.  And it’s the one thing that makes up our story.  It’s the trouble that people always find out about.  It’s not the years of holy living or the clean rap sheet that people know about.  It’s the one failure that ends up on the front page of the paper.  It’s the unflattering mug shot that ends up on the 6 o’clock news.  The mistakes and failures are what people tend to remember.  Although most of us are never on the front page or the lead story, when our mistakes are revealed, the shame is still the same.  The verdict pronounced by society is the same.

So why in the world would a holy God choose such an imperfect person to be His mouthpiece?  That has always blown me away.  I am not the one you want on your team in this game.  I mess up A LOT!  In fact, I am beginning to think it might be my gift.  Even still . . . God calls me His kid.  Amazing.

I can’t help but think of the woman with the issue of blood.  Everybody probably knew how long she had been sick.  Most people probably chalked it up to some kind of personal sin that she had hidden.  Most of those in her village probably didn’t want to be around her.  They probably didn’t call on her during prayer request time in Bible study because they knew her request had been the same for 12 YEARS!!!

He chooses messy people.  Sarah Young puts it best in one of her devotions in Jesus Calling, “Do not fear your weakness for it is the stage where my power performs most brilliantly.”

No matter how long you have struggled or suffered, know that HE knows.  He has chosen you for this journey and given you everything you need.  Beth Moore says in Get Out of that Pit, “You have not been picked on, you have been picked out.”  You are called to this place, to this trial, to His touch, to His healing.

Take Out:

Are you in need of God’s touch?  Do you feel that you are not being heard by the Lord?  Will you trust His Word in faith and wait on Him today?  Record in your journal what you need from the Lord today and then start writing out all He has blessed you with.  Praise and worship Him and you will be blessed in your waiting.


Dear Father God, please bless each person with Your amazing grace.  Lord may they feel Your love pour over them today.  I pray for healing and restoration of relationships and love abounding for Your glory!  In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

© 2012 by Carol Davis.  All rights reserved.

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