Encouragement Café

Jehovah Jire: The Lord Will Provide - Encouragement Café - June 10, 2015

Jehovah Jire: The Lord Will Provide

Café Menufor Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Today’s Special is: Sanctified Cabbage!

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Dawn Neely

Main Ingredient:

His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness…

2 Peter 1:3 NKJV  


My husband and I had been out of town and were running late.  We were invited to a cookout/bridal shower for my sister.  I was to bring the coleslaw.

Upon arriving home, I realized I had all the ingredients for slaw except one... the cabbage!  I immediately begin looking under sofa cushions, emptying purses, delving in my pockets and eyeing our daughter’s piggy bank!  In a half-hearted prayer I pleaded,

Lord, I need some cabbage and I don’t have enough change.

That was it.  A very simple prayer.  Honest, to the point, and bereft of any holy adjectives or words of adoration.  I just told God what I needed.

Honestly, that humble prayer was hardly out of my mouth when the telephone rang.  It was our custodian.  My husband and I lived in the church parsonage which was across a long parking lot on the left side of the church.  Our custodian, Mr. Pat Parker began.

Mrs. Neely, this is Pat.  Just wondering if you need some cabbage?

“Huh?” I feebly muttered as I held the phone away from my ear, wondering if I had heard him correctly.

“Just wondering if you could use some cabbage,” Pat repeated.

“Why did you ask me that?”  I was a little freaked out!

“Well, the way I figure it,” Pat explained, “one of them produce trucks must have gone through our parking lot and run over one of them speed bumps.  I was getting ready to go home and found six heads of cabbage in the middle of the parking lot!  You want some?”

I answered to the affirmative.  As my knees went weak, I sat down in the chair in the kitchen.

“Thank you Lord for answering my prayer,”I humbly prayed.  “You are an awesome God!”

I have sought the Lord for many more important things than cabbage since that faithful afternoon.  I have prayed for healing for my two daughters who have auto immune diseases.  I have entered the throne room of God to pray that a baby yet to be born might survive.  I have prayed for salvations, marriages, finances, a place to live and that God would help me be His.  Somehow though, I have never forgotten that cabbage.  That was an Abba (Daddy) Father gift. Something simple that I needed so I would not be embarrassed at the bridal shower.  I proudly took the coleslaw to the party, but spent the entire time sharing my experience and the faithfulness of God.  God knows what we need.

Sometimes He says, “Yes.”  Sometimes He says, “No.”  Sometimes He says, “Wait.”  And once in a while, He delivers it to our door!

Take Out:

“Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth. Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires e’er have been, Granted in what He ordaineth!”

Joachim Neander “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”


Dear Abba Father,

You know our needs before we do.  I am filled with awe as I think that You chose to make humankind the crowning glory of Your creation.  Thank You that You are a God who provides.  Throughout my life You have remained faithful!   I love You, Amen.

© 2015 by Dawn Neely.  All rights reserved.

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