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Just 5 More Minutes - Encouragement Café - April 5

Just 5 More Minutes
 By Stephanie Davis

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 ESV

Mommy, it’s time to get up.

Just five more minutes… that was the thought that entered my head as my husband and my two little precious walking, talking and giggling alarm clocks entered the room, but I knew that wasn’t possible.  Unlike most alarm clocks, they weren’t equipped with the snooze feature.

The purpose of an alarm clock is to sound an alarm at a time designated by the individual user signaling it is time to get up and start moving.  So answer me this, if this was and is the purpose for this product, then why was a delay button, also known as the snooze button, added.  Don’t get me wrong… I am overly fond of my daily snoozefest.  But seriously, how did this improve this product?!

Newsflash… IT DIDN’T!

The snooze button provides me with what seems like a few more minutes of blissful sleep, but in reality all it is doing is providing a false sense of security; while encouraging me to linger in the comfort of my surroundings and promising that there is still time.  Sound familiar?

Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we are His workmanship… created in Christ Jesus… to do good works… that which God has already prepared beforehand… and we should be walking in them… completing those good works He has specifically called us to do.

What have we missed out on that God has prepared for our lives because we have opted to hit the snooze button instead of rising up at the sound of the His call?  What have we rushed through because we thought we had more time?  Who hasn’t heard the message of God’s saving grace because we choose to linger in our current state?

Satan would love nothing more than to keep us right where we are… in the confines of our comfort zone.  If he can continue to entice us to hit the snooze button when God calls us into action then he can keep us ineffective to God’s “already prepared plan”.

It’s time for us to become a body that moves when the alarm sounds.  To immediately stand up and obediently follow the Lord in what He has prepared for us to do in the time He has designated.  It’s time for us to become an ANTI-SNOOZE SOCIETY!

Father, in Your infinite wisdom You have prepared Your perfect plan and You have chosen to orchestrate that plan in and through us.  Yet how often have I delayed Your plans all because I choose to remain in the confines of my own desires.  Forgive me Lord, for failing to move when You have called me into action, thinking Your will was inconvenient, cold, and uncomfortable.

Lord, there was nothing comfortable or convenient about Your plan for Jesus’ life, yet even still when the time came for Him to rise to the occasion that’s exactly what He did.  The bible is full of true stories about what has happened at the immediate decision to obediently follow Your call.

Lives forever changed because they choose to get up and get moving.  I pray that You would ignite within us a heart that desires to complete the good works that You have already prepared for our lives in the same way the apostles did… instantly abandoning our own agenda in order to fulfill our God-given purpose and become all that You have created us to be.  It’s in Jesus name that I pray, amen.

© 2019 by Stephanie Davis. All rights reserved.

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