Encouragement Café

Look to the Good Judge - Encouragement Café - Apr. 11, 2014

Look to the Good Judge

Café Menu for Friday, April 11, 2014

Today’s Special is: Seek Him Day and Night!

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Christie Davis

Main Ingredient:

And unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.

-Ephesians 3:20 KJV


Why do we as women struggle with judging others? No matter how much we disguise it or fight it, these awful thoughts seem to plague us. We know we do. From walking through the mall to sitting in church, we have this fleshly battle within us.

Maybe someone is wearing something that is not very flattering or someone is discussing the giant pay raise they just received at work. Can we be honest here? Thoughts begin to run very quickly, and the female mind never stops running. We do not have a “nothing box” in our brains like men do and can crawl into for relief. Plus, we have this innate desire to be superwoman and let others see that we can conquer all.

As Andy Stanley once explained it, “We all want to live in the Land of Er. The land where we desire to be taller, thinner, smarter, prettier, and richer.”

Whatever the struggle may be for you, it is not a pretty land, and the only way to fight it is to lean on The Good Judge. He knows our very thoughts and struggles. It is only through Him that we can fight ourselves and our flesh daily.  It is up to us to seek His wisdom and come to Him with open hands, every minute of every day, to see others as Christ loved and died for them.

Now, if we all struggle with fighting in the Land of Er, we are bound to be pulled into others’ thoughts and judgments as well. What if others begin to judge us unjustly? What then?

I am reminded of a story in Luke 18 about a widow woman who was judged unjustly. She was seeking justice about something she was about to lose. This was possibly land or possessions. Being a woman during this time, she was not considered worthy of owning or being anything. She did not have the money to buy off the judge, yet she continued to seek justice.

In Luke 18:4-5, the judge says, “Though I do not care about God or man; But because this widow troubles me, I will grant her request.” This judge cared nothing about the widow or God but granted her request because of her persistence. Luke 18:7 says, “And shall not God avenge his own, which cry day and night to Him.” How much more will Christ take care of His children whom He loves and wants to give the best of everything.  All we have to do is seek Him!

Let’s bring our cares and concerns to the Just Judge. Christ is always in control! Ephesians 8:28, “All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” Don’t give up! Cry out to the Lord day and night. He will answer you.

Take Out:

So, what can we learn from this widow?

  • Seek the judge day and night!  Don’t give up. He will answer you.
  • Come in faith believing. Know that Christ will (and wants to) give you his best.            

How do we deal with the Land of Er?

  • Recognize our own faults and fleshly thoughts. Seek Jesus to cleanse our minds and love others as He loves them.
  • When we are judged unfairly, go to the one who is Truth and wants to restore relationships and allow His light to shine.
  • Forgive. We all have to fight with our sinful desires. Ask yourself, “Can love cover this?”


Dear Heavenly Father, I continue to fail You daily. I can do nothing without You. Please forgive me for any thoughts or judgments that I may make on the ones you came to die for. Help me to see every person that I pass as the soul that you seek. Help me to show Your love to others without reservation. I pray that I seek You day and night! Whatever comes my way, I pray that it is You that I cry out to, for You love with me without abandon and will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank You for being the High Judge who is always by my side ready to take over. I pray that I will daily hand my life over to You.

© 2014 by Christie Davis. All rights reserved.

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