Encouragement Café

Making the Honor Roll of Faith - Encouragement Café - May 27, 2015

Making the Honor Roll of Faith

Café Menu for Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Today’s Special is: My First Honor Roll

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Noelle Dey

Main Ingredient:

It was by faith that Jacob, when he was old and dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons and bowed in worship as he leaned on his staff.

Hebrews 11:21 NLT


My daughter came home with something I had never seen before.

An honor roll certificate.

Maybe she didn’t realize she was a Dey… and we are not known for our good grades. Don’t get me wrong. I had my share ribbons that adorned the refrigerator when I was a kid. But they were green ribbons… the kind that said “Participant” on them.

But honor roll? Really?

Whether in school, or now as I look at my faith, I tend to feel like I don’t measure up to the honor roll kids.

Hebrews 11 is often called the “Faith Hall of Fame.” I’ve always admired those who made God’s honor roll. It’s incredibly inspiring… until… I ask myself,

Would I have responded like Abraham if I were asked to sacrifice my one and only daughter? Would I have believed God for a child if I were 90 years old? Would I have believed God if He told me He was going to flood the earth and respond by building a boat that was larger than a football field?

I’m pretty sure I would have stammered an emphatic “No!” to each question.  

But right before I drop my head in defeat, God highlights Hebrews 11:21. Jacob made God’s honor roll by blessing Joseph’s sons and worshipping.

Wait a second.

Could it be true? With all of my ministry efforts, could it be that the most important thing that I do today is bless my daughter? Maybe my worship ranks higher to God than my overloaded to-do list?

I don’t know about you, but I think I can make my first honor roll. Certificate please!

Take Out:

Let’s make a mark on God’s honor roll together.

Who can you bless today? Here are a few ways you can bless others. These actions can be done in person, by email/social media or even with a quick text.

  • Pray over them
  • Praise God for them
  • Affirm and speak life into their hearts

And how can you worship God today? Do you have a favorite worship song?

Sing it with all your heart to our God who loves you like crazy!


Dear Heavenly Dad, thank You that You love us like crazy. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit so we can show our faith by blessing others and worshipping You. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!

© 2015 by Noelle Dey. All rights reserved.

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