Encouragement Café

May I Have Your Attention Please? - Encouragement Café - November 13, 2015

May I Have Your Attention Please?

Café Menu for Friday, November 13, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Listening in the Midst of Chaos

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Aj Luck

Main Ingredient:

Finally, brothers, rejoice.  Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and God of love and peace will be with you.

2 Corinthians 13:11 ESV


Have you seen the Pixar movie UP?

In this adorable animated movie there is a little chubby golden retriever named Dug.  I instantly fell in love with him when he was introduced to the audience.  In his innocent, adorable way he walks right up to one of the main characters and says,

Hi, I just met you and I love you… squirrel!!

Dug and I have a lot in common.  Huge hearts… horrible attention spans.

Can anyone out there relate?

I have the very best intentions when walking up to someone to have a meaningful conversation but how often, I am quickly distracted by far too many things.

My phone, social media, a leaf blowing past that is pretty… the list goes on and on.

I admit... I’m ADD.  That makes me S A D.  It’s the truth though.

Another confession, have you ever been at the grocery store check out, so entrenched in a phone conversation that you fail to speak to the very person who is there, serving you… face to face?  I have… I’m getting better though.  I really am.  Promise!

Have you ever been in a meeting and your phone goes off?  How many of us have given into our demanding little smart phones and checked the message when you know you shouldn’t.

Driving?  Must I go there?  I’m trying to teach my son that stoplights are not for checking Twitter and Facebook.

What is happening in our society?  We have become so busy being busy that we are missing out on some of the greatest aspects of being human.

Jesus made it a point to be with people; to live in community with them.

I can hear you now, but they didn’t have all the distractions back then that we do now.

Maybe they didn’t have all the electronic and commercialism that we do today, but none the less, Jesus made a point to not only be with people, but to also find time to be quiet and spend time alone with God.

Maybe we should try and be a little more intentional with our days and our time.  Life is going to keep moving forward, let’s try to embrace the moments verses run a rat race.  I know I’m sure going to try.

Would you like to join me?  Together, let’s make an intentional difference not only in our lives but in others as well.

Take Out:

Plan one day a week where everyone in the family gathers together and spends quality time together face to face.  Make sure to have one or two board games, maybe order a pizza or cook a favorite meal together.  No TV.  Set a time for the evening to officially begin.  Five minutes before the start time, place a basket on a table.  Set a rule that ALL electronics must be turned off and “surrendered” into the basket for 1-2 hours (or however long you would like to plan your evening to be.)

All iPads, cellphones and hand held games must go in there.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  Make sure they are powered off.  NO DISTRACTIONS.

Together, play games, laugh, talk about each others day and enjoy the community and family God has placed in your lives.  Let the noise you make, be intentional with one another.


Dear Jesus, Thank You for being the Lord in our lives.  Even though life can be chaotic at times, help me to remember to slow down and enjoy the moments You have given me.  Allow me to settle the outside noise of life as well as the internal noise inside of my head and heart.  Above all remind me to set aside time to listen to You so that together we can make a difference in the life You have given me.  Amen.

© 2015 by Aj Luck.  All rights reserved.

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