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Purpose Filled - Encouragement Café - June 25

Purpose Filled
 By Olivia Barnes

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ… James 1:1 KJV

As we sit waiting for some glimpse of normality it is easy to feel at a loss, like you have lost your sense of purpose. 

Frontline staff have a very defined, obvious purpose during this pandemic. It is clear to see that they are fighting to save lives; they are working to keep the community safe. But if you are like me and you find yourself simply waiting to get back out and be doing something, it can be difficult to know what your purpose is at this time.

Perhaps your normal routine has been altered; your normal activities have been stopped. Feeling purposeless is frustrating and can have a depressing, soul crushing impact. But as God’s children we have a purpose no matter the circumstances, our purpose is unchanged.

James knew his purpose (James 1:1). He knew who he was, and who he served, he was a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul, Timothy, Peter and Jude also recognized their purpose as that of a servant of Christ.

Colossians 3:17 states: "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Whether it’s the dishes, making lunch, teaching your little loves to read, even the ironing – “let all that you do be done in love” 1 Corinthians 16:14.

As children of God our purpose is to serve Him. No matter where we are. Whether we are on the frontline, home making, home schooling, remote working or in our place of work under social distancing regulations. We are to serve God... to show Christ to those we are in contact with, even if your only contact these days is with your own family. 

Serve God right where you are at, know that whatever you find yourself doing at this time – it matters to God. You do not have to wait... do not wait for the perfect timing, the right opportunity, until you know the scriptures, until you have finished your studies, until you have time, until your kids are grown, until this pandemic is over. Serve God now, right where you are.

A key theme throughout the book of James is that as Christians we do not simply believe, but we live out that belief and faith that we have in our daily lives.  James tells us that we should see our struggles as an opportunity, an opportunity to grow in Christ. God is with us in the rough times, He has promised never to leave us, He does not stay a safe 2 meter distance from you, He is right there beside you.

Thank You Lord that while so much in this world has changed, You are unchanging. Our purpose in You is unchanged. We are called to be servants of Christ, to serve You in spirit and in truth. Lord, that we would not lose sight of this unchanging purpose. That we would never feel purposeless, for we have a high calling to show Christ to the world, no matter the circumstances. Lord let Your light shine in this world, that we would be purpose filled followers of You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Olivia at abiding-words.com.

© 2020 by Olivia Barnes.  All rights reserved.

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