Encouragement Café

Raah-Raah Roi - Encouragement Café - July 30

Raah-Raah Roi
 By Luann Prater

“You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”  Genesis 16:13

I love to dig into the Word and find out the root Hebrew or Greek meaning behind common words we use today. The word that Hagar used here for SEE was ‘Roi’ and the root of that word in Hebrew is ‘raah’ and it translates into the Greek word used throughout the New Testament, ‘horao.’

Let me just give you a glimpse of what that word meant when Hagar uttered it:

To understand intellectually, perceive. Ascertain, verify, examine, investigate, supervise, to attend to, to select, to discover, to experience. To look at transitively, implying not the mere act of seeing, but also the actual perception of some object. To see with the eyes, see distinctly; catch sight of with the sense of meaning. To be aware, be careful, make sure, recognize, detect, notice, be exposed to something, encounter, witness, partake of, and share in something. To be in the presence of and be affected by it.

Whew! If that doesn’t make you stand on your chair and shout howdy, you need a heart transplant!

Think about how involved our God is in Your everyday life! He sees you and He sees me, but not just at a glance or as an afterthought!

He is in our presence and He is affected by what is happening in our circumstances.

The shortest verse in the Bible, John 11:35 says, “Jesus wept.” Those two words tell the depths of how closely associated He is with the events in our life.

He detects that temptation. He notices that situation. He experiences that pain. He examines and investigates behind the scenes when we are totally unaware that He is even there. He is.

God is aware of everything in our lives. Let’s live this day fully aware of that fact.

Let’s live this day fully aware of that fact.

Let us pray…

Lord Jesus, You came to earth to experience first-hand the highs and lows of this life. You did not stay perched on a throne dishing out orders without knowing and understanding the pitfalls we would encounter along the way. You were here in the flesh and now You reside right here inside Your believing children. Thanks for not leaving us alone. Thanks for sending the Holy Spirit Comforter to walk with us each step of this journey. You are a good and gracious God. Teach us to live this day knowing that You are alive and active in our circumstances. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

For more encouragement, visit Luann at luannprater.com.

© 2020 by Luann Prater.  All rights reserved.

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