Encouragement Café

Unlocking Wisdom - Encouragement Café - November 14, 2014

Unlocking Wisdom

Café Menu for Friday, November 14, 2014

Today’s Special is: Kindness Is the Key

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Paris Renae

Main Ingredient:

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:26 NIV  


I’m not sure about you, but opening my mouth has not always had the intended result. As the Lord grows us and refines us, we do get better. Yet there are still times when we don’t listen to that still, small voice saying,

think before you speak.

There is a treasure trove of wisdom in that phrase alone.

The Bible is clear: wisdom is desirable, valuable, worth whatever it takes to attain it. The Bible also tells us how - wisdom is imparted to us by hiding God’s Word in our hearts. The more we know of Him through His Word, the better prepared we are. Especially when His Word catches our tongues before they get us in trouble.

In this day of instant messaging of one type or another, it may not be our verbal tongues. It may be our clicking fingers typing out the latest Instagram, Facebook post, Tweet, or email. Regardless, if we are face to face or posting for all the world to see, there is a key that can keep us out of trouble.

The key is in the verse above:

She opens her mouth (or types her message), and the teaching (or sharing) of KINDNESS is on her tongue.

If we will filter our thoughts and words by asking:

Is this kind?

Is it hurtful?

Is it uplifting?

In the big picture, will it make a difference for God?,

we can begin to model wisdom as we gain it.

Take Out:

I want to be a woman of wisdom and equally, I want to be known as a woman of kindness.

Will you join me in:

  • hiding His Word deep in your heart
  • listening for His still, small voice
  • taking time to examine your words
  • leaving a trail of kindness straight to God’s heart


Father, let me so hide Your Word in my heart that I know You and thus have no excuse for speaking foolishly. Let my words be used by You to enrich others, to encourage others, and to leave a trail of kindness that leads right back to You. In Jesus Name, Amen

© 2014 by Paris Renae. All rights reserved.

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