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That’s My Story and I’m Stickin’ to It - Encouragement Café - November 23

That’s My Story and I’m Stickin’ to It

By Linda Gray

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15 ESV

I may have missed my calling.  I’m not “nosy” per se, just interested.  When I meet someone new, I go into what I call “interviewer mode.”  I envy talk show hosts because they are paid to ask questions and be nosy—I mean interested.

I became the coordinator of Baptist Women’s Day at our church.  It’s one day a year that the women are “in charge” of the Sunday morning service.  There is an all-female choir.  Women ushers greet and receive the tithes and offerings.  Special music is presented by, yes—women.  Testimonies are shared.  

As I approach ladies to serve in one of those roles, they are enthusiastic to do so.  With the exception of one area—sharing a testimony.  I remind them that those sitting in the congregation are friends and family who love them.  Still no.  I appeal to them from a spiritual angle by saying someone needs to hear their story.  No budging.

Not everyone says no.  But those are few and far between.  So, one year as I made my rounds to recruit some to share a testimony, I had a game plan.  I would ask them leading questions.  I would “interview” them.  They wouldn’t even have to look at the audience.  That put many of them at ease.

The questions that I posed were:

  1. Briefly share what your life was before Christ.
  2. How did you come to Christ?
  3. How has your life changed since you came to Christ?
  4. Is there anything else you would like to share that God has done for you?

We all have a story.  I often quip that my testimony would put people to sleep.  I came to Christ as a young child of 9 years old in 1972.  You have my permission to do the math to figure my age.  Anyway, God prevented me from many problems I saw my unsaved friends deal with.  I haven’t lived a perfect life. Who has?  And yet, I saw my need for a Savior.  My story may be for those who think they are “good enough” to go to Heaven.  

How would I answer the questions?

  1. Before Christ, I had fear.  I lived in a home where my father wasn’t saved and abusive.  My mom was a Christian.  My mom and I went to church sporadically.  Sunday was just another day to me.
  2. It wasn’t until I went to a church camp in July 1972 that I heard the Gospel.  I realized I was a sinner and needed Jesus.  So, I gave my life to Christ.
  3. I am not fearful.  I have a purpose.  God guides my life. 
  4. God brought a wonderful, Godly man into my life and we married in 2002.  He has opened doors for me to go to places I never dreamed to share the Gospel.

So, what’s your story?  Why not jot down the questions listed above and answer them.  Then seize the opportunities to share that story with others.  Someone needs to hear it!

Father, thank You for saving me!  Thank You for bringing me to where I am today.  Help me to walk through the open doors You place before me.  May I always be ready to share my (our) story.  Amen. 

© 2020 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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