Encouragement Café

The Fairest of Them All - Encouragement Café - Apr 30, 2015

The Fairest of Them All

Café Menu for Thursday, April 30, 2015

Today’s Special is: Don’t Take The Lord’s Name In Vain

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Michelle S. Lazurek

Main Ingredient:

And we all who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV


In the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the witch asked the magic mirror,

Who’s the fairest of them all?

When the mirror replied Snow white was the most beautiful woman in all the land, the witch sought revenge. The witch refused to see the evil that lie within her soul, robbing her of true beauty. Snow White’s beauty wasn’t superficial; her beauty emerged from the character traits that she exhibited to the people around her.

2 Corinthians 3:18 says,

And we all who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.

When we go through the motions of our faith, like going to church and reading our Bibles without allowing those actions to transform us into different people, we are taking the Lord’s name in vain. We think we are being Christians by doing all the things that make us look like Christians, but those things are not transforming us into the disciples Christ desires. When we take an honest look at ourselves, the world sees Christ through us, not just a facade.

Here are three ways we can show the world what Christianity truly looks like by exhibiting the character traits Christ demonstrated during his time on earth:


When times are tough, Christians often put on a fake smile and pretend everything is fine. This provides a false sense of what the Christian life should be. Sharing our burdens with others demonstrates that both Christians and non-Christians struggle, but it is how we react to those difficulties that exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus spent a lot of his time eating and drinking with others. Inviting someone over to share a meal allows us to enjoy the gift of fellowship and helps people to see we are just like them.


In today’s postmodern culture, people are longing for relationships with those who aren’t afraid to share the heartaches and struggles of life with others. Life is messy. So is the church. Those who are willing to admit that can successfully point others to the One who can fix that mess.

Take Out:

Non-Christians are looking for us to point them to Christ. By allowing the world to see us for who we really are, we will become the most beautiful people in the world.


Lord, help us not to take Your name in vain by allowing others to see us for who we truly are.

© 2015 by Michelle S. Lazurek. All rights reserved.

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