Encouragement Café

The Unfinished Porch - Encouragement Café - January 1

The Unfinished Porch

By Linda Gray

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 ESV

<Sigh>…That’s the sound I make when I step onto our porch.  It’s the sound of frustration because after 4 months it is still not finished.  The construction is beautiful. The carpenter was skillful in building but not staining. The machine he used malfunctioned and now there is stain on our siding.  And let’s just say, well… I’d rather not say.

Porches have always been important to me. As a child, I sat on our porch in a wrought iron swing with my father as he waited for his ride to work as a night watchman at the local mill.  He told me stories and we sang songs.  My mom and I snapped green beans on that porch in the summer months. My boyfriend, now husband, and I shared our first kiss sitting in that swing.  That same swing is now freshly painted and waiting to take its place on our porch.

Though it isn’t finished, I decorated it for Christmas anyway. And as I was decorating, I tried to not see the unfinished parts. I tried to see it as still in progress. Lemons into lemonade if you will. And of course, a spiritual lesson was being learned as well.

I realized that completion is important to God as well.  God surveyed all He created and deemed it “very good (Genesis 1:31)”.  Genesis 2:2 states that God finished His work on the seventh day.  Fast-forward to the day our Savior Jesus spoke the words that sealed His purpose on this earth—our redemption, “It is finished!” Paul glanced back at the life he lived after his conversion. As Christians, we should all strive to repeat what he said in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Back to the porch… As I stroll across the deck, I try envision what I hope it will look like when it’s finished.  I try to overlook unsightly spots on the siding and other areas that will need to be corrected by someone more experienced. Being patient in this situation takes effort---lots of effort.

God knows my every flaw and short-coming.  He has seen my feeble attempts to do the work in my life that only He can do. He not only sees me as I am, He sees what I am becoming.  When I relinquish the brush, He can make the corrections needed.  He knows exactly how to remove the stains that I inflicted. And He won’t stop working on me until I am complete and have finished my course here on earth.

What about you?  Are there unfinished “projects” that need the Master’s touch?  Are you frustrated because it doesn’t seem that God is working fast enough? Have you grown tired of trying to change yourself?  Put the brush down, Sister and allow the Creator to do His work in you.  He promises to finish!

Father, I surrender all to You. Please form me into what You want me to be. Continue to do Your good work in me. May I run the course You have placed me on. Help me to finish well! Amen.

© 2020 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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