Encouragement Café

Tracks and Trains of Yesterday - Encouragement Café - April 27, 2016

Tracks and Trains of Yesterday by Angela Moran

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.

Psalm 138:3 NLT


The days are long, but the years are short.

Gretchen Rubin

I never believed them.

Take time to enjoy them while they’re little.  It will be gone before you know it.

Good riddance, I thought.  No more sleepless nights, cleaning up cheerios off the floor, diaper changes, and buckling them in the car seats.

Then, it happened.  Preparing to move, I began packing away all the tracks and trains from my son’s Thomas the Train days.  Suddenly, the memories began to flash in my mind of all the hours spent building, creating, planning, and playing together.  We would talk ALL THE TIME (and often I’d beg for silence).

Today, he’s sitting in the other room playing Minecraft & doesn’t want to be bothered with conversation.  I’d love one last chance to lay down those tracks on the floor and relive those moments again.  But, it wouldn’t be the same. 

That moment… those times… have passed. 

Realizing this, I became a blubbering mess - over a box of tracks and trains.

Sometimes, I forget that RIGHT NOW is important.  The conversations that I’m having today will be the ones that will help to form my two sons into the men they will become.  Today, I’m teaching lessons they will remember -- through my words, actions, and attitudes. 

Just when I begin to wonder, though, are they really listening?  Like a little parrot, they speak back to me,

Mommy, the most helpful thing you can do is leave me alone.  I need my space.

I appreciate the way he said it, but I realize that he heard it all too often.  Mommy needs her space. 

Don’t get me wrong -- taking time for myself is really important.  But, did I miss too many of those teachable moments?   Did I savor the feeling of their chubby little hand in mine, toddling down the sidewalk, while talking about everything? 

I didn’t.  But it’s not too late.  Today is a new day.

Motherhood is exhausting!  I get it.  My kids are at the half way mark of their years at home.  I’ve learned a few lessons & have many more to go.  I’ve wasted a lot of days.  I’m sure I’ll waste some more.  But what if we decided together to make today count? 

Let’s choose to be intentional with our words, actions, and attitudes.  We may not see the fruit of it now, or ever, but someone is watching. 

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. 

Proverbs 22:6 NLT

Dear Jesus, thank You that today is a new day.  Thank You that You hear our prayers and You answer them.  Thank You for the strength that comes from You alone.  Thank You for empowering us to be strong mothers as we choose to make today count.  Impart Your wisdom, truth and love to us and through us today.  We love You!  Amen.

© 2016 by Angela Moran.  All rights reserved.

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