Encouragement Café

Two Powerful Words - Encouragement Café - October 9, 2015


Two Powerful Words

Café Menu for Friday, October 9, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Of Course

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Noelle Dey

Main Ingredient:

         Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.

Proverbs 18:2 NIV


If you’d just say these two magic words, we could end this fight.

There was a problem.  I wasn’t in the mood to say, “I’m sorry.”  I was in the mood to be right.

Seriously Noelle.  Don’t you want to know what the words are?

Uh… not really.  But instead of saying so, I gave my husband the silent treatment.

The two magic words are “Of course.”


He went on to explain that if we started our sentences with the words, “Of course,” it naturally leads to an empathetic response.

Of course you need a few minutes to yourself.  You just had a stressful day at the office.

Of course your patience is thin.  It’s hard to take care of an ailing parent.

Of course you’re irritable.  You didn’t get enough rest.

I’m embarrassed to admit that my reaction was the portrait of today’s key verse.  But if that is true, the opposite is true as well.  A wise woman delights in understanding others.

Each of us has an inborn need to be seen and understood.  It’s the reason Hagar called God “El Roi.”  She was abandoned and desperate after Sarah banished her to the wilderness.  God saw her, understood her unspeakable distress and He comforted her with hope. (Genesis 16:1-14)

Two simple words:  of course. 

When we choose to respond with compassion, we take a moment to walk a mile in others’ shoes.  Our empathy grows.  Their defenses shrink.  We allow El Roi to use our spiritual eyes.  We give Jesus our voices.  Hope rains down from heaven. 

Take Out:

Are you in the midst of a disagreement?  Or did you just come through an argument? 

If it didn’t end in a Christ-honoring way, call, email or text that person.  Even though it’s after the fact, when he or she receives your, “Of course,” empathy, it will bring healing to their souls.

If you are argument-free, praise God!  At the same time, be realistic.  If you’re anything like me, you’ll have a chance to practice what you just learned. 

Rehearse your response in your mind right now.  You know the ones who can easily yank your chain, right?  Close your eyes and visualize the loving impact your words will have when you start your response with, “Of course.”


Dear Heavenly Father, our words hold the power of life and death.  Help us to use them wisely.  When we’re in an emotional upheaval, empower us with Your Holy Spirit so we can respond with empathy.  We desperately want to use our words to honor You.  We love You and lift our prayers in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

© 2015 by Noelle Dey.  All rights reserved.

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