Encouragement Café

What to Do in the Wait - Encouragement Café - March 10

What to Do in the Wait
 By Jill Beran

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.  James 5:7

Waiting… it’s something we always have to do. We wait at the Dr.’s office, the traffic light and in a restaurant. You may be waiting for “Mr. Right“, a new baby or a new season. Or perhaps you’re waiting for the answers to a medical test, a call from a friend or healing from an injury. I don’t know the “what” of your wait, but can I share some thoughts on the “what to do” during the wait?

Waiting is rarely something we choose to do. It was hard when we were kids, and the challenge continues now that we’re adults. The fact that it’s not easy and doesn’t come naturally, doesn’t negate the truth that it is something we need to do. A while back, when I found myself in the waiting room of life, I realized that my waiting time was wasted time. 

I was worrying, and the fear left me paralyzed. God used a trip to the field and today’s key verse to speak to my heart. I’ve lived on a farm my entire life. I know farmers have to wait. They wait for the ground to be ready, for the corn to grow, the rains to come and for the rains to stop. That day in the field I was taught an important lesson.

Farmers don’t waste their waiting time.  As my husband was waiting for rains and the harvest, he was cultivating the crop. He was working. He wasn’t sitting around worrying while he waited; instead he did the work he could do. He was intentional with his time.

A big piece of my farmer husband’s intentionality is prayer. He knows he is not in control, so while he waits, he prays to the One who is. Philippians 4:6 NIV tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  This is an important verse to live out during the wait. 

Friend, regardless of our wait, you and I always have a choice.  We can waste our time and be anxious, or we can be intentional and trust God. What will you choose? May we be patient and remember our lesson from the farmer…let us not waste our waiting time, but instead do the work we are called to do!

Think about what you are waiting for and reflect on how you are using your waiting time. Ask God to show you if you are wasting the time and pray for the desire and strength to be intentional. Working during the wait can be hard, but be encouraged and simply do the next right thing. Take one step at time and pray continuously as you wait…the rains will come and the harvest will happen!

Dear Heavenly Father, waiting can be hard Lord, but yet I know You have a purpose for it. May we remember in the wait, we learn and we grow. Help us to trust You as we wait. We ask for strength to do the work You’ve called us; help us be intentional with our waiting time so it doesn’t become wasted time. As we wait, draw us to Yourself, cultivate our heart for prayer and help us trust You more. Thank You Lord that I never have to wait to come to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Jill at titus24u.blogspot.com.

© 2020 by Jill Beran.  All rights reserved.

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