Encouragement Café

You’re a Teacher - Encouragement Café - April 19

You’re a Teacher
 By Jill Beran

Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Psalm 34:11

Have you ever thought of yourself as a teacher? If your answer is “NO,” I encourage you to read on. According to Webster a teacher is: one who provides education or instruction. Perhaps you don’t get a paycheck or work at school, maybe you don’t have children of your own, but you can still be a teacher. 

As followers of Christ, we are called to impact those around us. With His Word and the experiences of our life, we learn many lessons and skills; we can share what we know with others. More important than how to sew or bake or even read or write is doing what Psalm 34:11 suggests. David writes about teaching the fear of the Lord. Friend, in every area of our lives we have the opportunity to share our faith. As we respond to this COVID-19 pandemic, our lives will show if we fear God or fear a virus. Think about the things you do and say. Are you anxious about the future or confident in the Lord? We are setting an example and teaching others. 

Because of the pandemic many are more aware of the teacher role they play. Perhaps you or a friend has been given the role of teacher. You never expected to homeschool, but now you are. I am no expert, but I do have experience. Years ago I too didn’t see this in my future, but here I am about to finish year twelve. So with that a few words of wisdom.

The Goal - One of the most important pieces of advice I've received is, "Teach your kids to learn how to learn." You might not be able to replicate all your child was learning in school, but you can provide opportunities for them to learn. Use their hobbies to engage them. There are countless ways to use Legos, other blocks and toys. Board and card games present other learning opportunities as well. Time in the kitchen is valuable also. If you have more than one child, give them opportunities to work together and allow them to teach one another. For older kids, watch the press conferences. Use this as an opportunity to learn about how our government works and who it involves. The civics and current event lessons are endless.

The Process - Another important quote - "Learning is cumulative." We as adults often don't master new things immediately, so we shouldn't expect our kids to. Keep building their education. You can't do it all in a day and thankfully you can't mess it up in a day (or even a month) either!! 

The #1 - Early in our homeschooling journey I heard a speaker say, "There may come a day when you have to choose Algebra or your relationship." A class had come between this speaker and her son. Their struggle was ruining their relationship. She eventually gave up the battle and found a better way for him to learn math. It's true you are the teacher, but you will always be mom.

Be Flexible - Homeschooling is a challenge. The demands can be endless. Establish routines and expectations, but be willing to change and adjust.

Remember - The most important lessons are usually the ones you never plan. The best learning often takes place in situations you didn't prepare. Look for teachable moments and don't miss the unexpected ones.

Pray & Trust - This is the most important piece of advice. God has given you these children; He will equip you to teach them. You will have needs (Patience anyone?) - ask Him to provide. Trust Him to be faithful. This is a great opportunity to live out your faith with your family. Dig into God's Word together. Study it. Memorize it. Live it.

You can do this!! Remember though we are home alone, you don't have to homeschool alone. 

What is an important spiritual lesson you have learned? Teach it to someone else. Thank the one who taught you. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus – our Great Teacher. May we continue to learn from Him as we teach others. Help us fear You above all. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Jill at Titus24U.

© 2020 by Jill Beran.  All rights reserved.

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